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Lansweeper report: printers


  1. Report details
  2. T-SQL query

Report details

Lansweeper report containing printer name, IP and MAC addresses, manufacturer and model

Report contains basic information about printers:

T-SQL query

Lansweeper datbase documentation can be accessed from the web console: Reports 🡢 Database Documentation.

Columns with hyperlink_ and hyperlink_name_ prefixes in their names are used to place hyperlinks into cells of a Lansweeper report as described here.

SELECT ,CAST([tblAssets].[LastSeen] AS date) AS [Last Successful Scan Date] ,'https://ls.adatum.local/asset.aspx?AssetID=' + cast([tblAssets].[AssetID] AS nvarchar(100)) AS [hyperlink_Printer Name] ,[tblAssets].[AssetName] AS [hyperlink_name_Printer Name] ,[tblAssets].[IPAddress] AS [IP Address] ,[tblAssets].[Mac] AS [MAC Address] ,[tblAssetCustom].[Manufacturer] AS [System Manufacturer] ,'https://www.google.com/search?q=' + [tblAssetCustom].[Model] AS [hyperlink_System Model (Click to Google)] ,[tblAssetCustom].[Model] AS [hyperlink_name_System Model (Click to Google)] FROM [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblAssets] INNER JOIN [lansweeperdb].[dbo].[tblAssetCustom] ON [tblAssets].[AssetID] = [tblAssetCustom].[AssetID] WHERE [tblAssets].[AssetType] = 16 -- 16 = "Printer" AND [tblAssetCustom].[State] = 1 -- 1 = "Active" ORDER BY [tblAssets].[AssetName]